Portal Games would like to invite all gamers to virtual PortalCon, the annual board game convention taking place on Saturday, January the 23rd, during which the company will announce its publishing plans for 2021.
This year, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the convention will be held on-line and streamed directly from Portal Games HQ in Poland via company’s YouTube and Twich channels. Access to the event is free of charge and open to everyone. The entire Saturday program will be presented in English and will include interactions with the viewers.
3pm CET / 9am EST
Ignacy Trzewiczek will present 30-minute Keynotes announcing 3 new major games to be released by Portal Games in 2021, as well as several follow-ups to the company’s games portfolio.
4pm CET / 10am EST Special edition of Portal Games Informant with epic Ask Me Anything dedicated to new announcements and games!
5pm CET / 11am EST Portal Games Twitch Team will discuss new game announcements with fans!
6pm CET / 12pm EST Streaming of premiere-gameplay of Robinson Crusoe: The Book of Adventures, the upcoming Robinson Crusoe expansion to be launched on Kickstarter in February 2021.
8pm CET / 2pm EST: Streaming of premiere-gameplay of Empires of the North: North Egyptian Kings, the newest expansion to the best-selling game. The expansion will be released in May 2021.
We invite all board game fans to join us at PortalCon on Saturday, January the 23rd.